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Advanced Trust Funds: Transactional, Tax, and Legislative Implications, Including Case Studies

April 3 - May 3



At the seminar, you will be introduced to our experiences with trust funds and their operation under Czech legislation, with a particular focus on the practical aspects of their establishment and management. You will also explore specific legal, tax, and accounting issues, as well as the roles and responsibilities of various participants in a trust fund. The advantages and disadvantages of trust funds, practical experiences, and limitations in setting them up will also be outlined.

Who is the seminar for?

The seminar is intended for a broad audience, including individuals and legal entities from the business sector with a significant asset portfolio, who are interested in learning practical information about trust funds. It is particularly relevant for those considering setting up a trust fund, those who already have one, and those responsible for its management, such as trustees, banks, and other advisors.

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Teaching format:


  • Tomáš Pacovský, Managing Partner
  • Pavel Postl, Senior Partner, Strategy & M&A
  • Petr Oulík, Notary


Trust Fund – Recap: What You Should Already Know

  • The essence of a trust fund
  • Legal framework
  • Key participants (settlor, trustee, beneficiaries)

Trust Fund Operation and Current Practice

  • Establishing a trust fund
  • Trust fund statute
  • Duration of trust administration
  • Asset allocation and management (including creditor and settlor protection)
  • Distributions to beneficiaries vs. fulfilling the trust’s purpose (including legal shielding methods)
  • Supervision of administration
  • Termination of trust administration

Transactional and Tax Aspects

  • Accounting and tax implications (tax registration, asset depreciation, VAT, etc.)
  • Taxation of asset allocation
  • Taxation of beneficiary income
  • Expected developments (taxes, registries, records, etc.)

Case Studies

  • Protection against unexpected shareholder loss and succession planning
  • Asset protection – family assets
  • Alternative arrangements for joint property of spouses
  • Substitute beneficiaries and bequests to non-profit organizations

Q&A Session

This seminar is organized in collaboration with 1.VOX s.r.o.


Senovážné náměstí 23, 110 00 Praha 1
Senovážné náměstí 23,
110 00, Praha 110 00 Czech Republic
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